Using a Designer Layout as a FotoFinish Template

After saving a Layout in the FotoFinish Designer as a Template, you can also access that template directly from FotoFinish.  Unlike in the Designer where you insert photos in frames and move and resize them in the drawing area, the design of the templates in FotoFinish are locked and are simply used to publish selected images.  

Selecting a layout for your album

Saved templates are accessible from the publishing dialogs in FotoFinish.  They can be found under the Design Layouts section.

If you are creating a layout that you intend to use in FotoFinish, there are some additional photo frame properties that you should be aware of. 

Index Number - The index number specifies the order in which your photos will be merged into the Frames in this Layout if you save it as a template for printing from FotoFinish. If you set the index to 1, the first photo in your album will be placed in this Frame when you print your album using this Layout from FotoFinish.  If you set the index to 2, your second photo would appear in this frame, and so on.  When more than one Frame is present, each frame is assigned a number called the index. 

You can change the index of your Frame by right-clicking on it and choosing Photo Frame Properties from the menu.

Photo Frame Properties Dialog

Title Names and Descriptions – You can design your template that you intend to use in FotoFinish to include image names and descriptions as captions on your printed layout. These tags are added to your layout in Designer and when saved as a template, are available in FotoFinish. To add image name and description tags to your layout, select a photo frame and choose Photo Frame Properties from the menu.  Check the boxes for  Show a Title for this Frame and Show a Description for this Frame.  You will notice that these tags now appear in the drawing area. 

Designer Layout

Mail Merged Layout

If you have multiple photo frames, the tags will be numbered to match each frame's index number.  You can change the font, color and size of the tags from the Text menu.